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Setting Unusual Baud Rates with Visual Basic


The standard MSComm Control supplied with Microsoft Visual Basic only supports a few baud rates in its Settings property. This is a problem if you need to operate a COM port at a baud rate that is not supported by the Settings property. One solution is to use a third-party replacement for the MSComm Control . Another solution is to bypass the MSComm Control when setting the baud rate and go straight to the Win32 API. This tip shows how to implement the second solution.


In order for the following Visual Basic functions to work, the project must include a module containing definitions extracted from the Win32API.Txt file supplied with Visual Basic. A suitable module may be found here: w32comms.bas.

The following Visual Basic subroutine uses the GetCommState and SetCommState functions in the Win32 API to set the baud rate:

' Set baud rate using Win32 API.
' The PortOpen property should be set to True before calling.
' May raise the following errors:
'   comPortNotOpen  the PortOpen property has not been set to True
'   comDCBError     failed to read current state of the port
'   comSetCommStateFailed  failed to set new baud rate
Sub SetBaudRate(Com As MSComm, baud As Long)
Dim ComDcb As dcb
Dim ret As Long

    ' Check port is open
    If Not Com.PortOpen Then
        Err.Raise comPortNotOpen, Com.Name, _
            "Operation valid only when the port is open"
        Exit Sub
    End If
    ' Get existing Comm state
    ret = GetCommState(Com.CommId, ComDcb)
    If ret = 0 Then
        Err.Raise comDCBError, Com.Name, _
            "Could not read current state of the port"
        Exit Sub
    End If
    ' Modify state with new baud rate
    ComDcb.BaudRate = baud
    ' Set the new Comm state
    ret = SetCommState(Com.CommId, ComDcb)
    If ret = 0 Then
        Err.Raise comSetCommStateFailed, Com.Name, _
            "Could not set port to specified baud rate"
        Exit Sub
    End If
End Sub

Here is a matching Visual Basic function to read the current baud rate using the GetCommState function in the Win32 API:

' Get baud rate using Win32 API
' The PortOpen property should be set to True before calling.
' May raise the following errors:
'   comPortNotOpen  the PortOpen property has not been set to True
'   comDCBError     failed to read current state of the port
Function GetBaudRate(Com As MSComm) As Long
Dim ComDcb As dcb
Dim ret As Long
    GetBaudRate = 0
    ' Check port is open
    If Not Com.PortOpen Then
        Err.Raise comPortNotOpen, Com.Name, _
            "Operation valid only when the port is open"
        Exit Function
    End If
    ' Get Comm state
    ret = GetCommState(Com.CommID, ComDcb)
    If ret = 0 Then
        Err.Raise comDCBError, Com.Name, _
            "Could not read current state of the port"
        Exit Function
    End If
    ' Extract baud rate
    GetBaudRate = ComDcb.BaudRate
End Function


For an MSComm object named MSComm1, the above Visual Basic SetBaudRate subroutine and GetBaudRate function may be called after setting MSComm1.PortOpen to True. Before this, MSComm1.CommPort must be set to the desired COM port number and MSComm1.Settings may need to be set if the default value of "9600,N,8,1" is unacceptable. (The baud rate specified in this string value is unimportant, but needs to be one of those acceptable to the Settings property.)

For a baud rate b, the COM port's baud rate may be changed as follows:

SetBaudRate MSComm1, b

If the serial driver for the COM port will not accept the specified baud rate, a run-time error comSetCommStateFailed will be raised. Other possible run-time errors include comPortNotOpen (if the PortOpen property is False) or comDCBError (unlikely).

The COM port's current baud rate may be read into a variable b of type Long as follows:

b = GetBaudRate(MSComm1)

Possible run-time errors include comPortNotOpen (if the PortOpen property is False) or comDCBError (unlikely).


Changing the MSComm object's Settings property will reset the COM port's baud rate to that specified by the Settings property, as will changing the Handshaking, NullDiscard, ParityReplace, PortOpen or RTSEnable property.

If program control of the RTS line is required, it will be necessary to write a Visual Basic subroutine to manipulate the COM port's device control block (DCB) directly, in a similar manner to the above SetBaudRate subroutine, rather than by setting the RTSEnable property. (The alternative of following a change to RTSEnable with a call to SetBaudRate would result in data glitches.) However, any changes made by this function would be subject to the same caveats as the SetBaudRate function. If this level of control is required, it is worth considering the use of a third-party alternative to the MSComm control.